Mikrotik - Public-Mikrotik-Bandwidth-Test-Server(s)

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Mikrotik - Public-Mikrotik-Bandwidth-Test-Server(s)

Списки публичных серверов для тестирования скорости скорости с Микротика:

IPv6: 2605:6340:0:1b::4
btest username: btest
btest password: btest
 Note; To use this Mikrotik public access btest server , you agree to the following terms and conditions:
#1 - You will not use or create any automatic btest scripts on a timed schedule to automatically perform btest(s) to this btest server.
#2 - You will not run extended btest(s) to this btest server which last longer than 30 seconds.
#3 - The use of this btest server is only permitted to perform brief 30-second btest(s).
#4 - You will never use this btest server to create a degrading bandwidth sustained load on your up-stream Internet provider.
#5 - You agree that I ( the owner/operator ) of this btest server may post your remote btest IP address(s) you used to test to my btest server.
#6 - All btest(s) you perform to this btest server will always be performed using a hands-on procedure without the use of any automated scripts.
#7 - You will never attempt a "dude" connection to this btest server.
#8 - You may perform up to 4 ( four ) btest(s) in a 24-hour period
#9 - You will pause a minimum of 5-minutes between btest(s)
#10 - Failure to follow the above listed requirements may result in actions on my part to permanently ban/block your IP addresses from my networks and this btest server.
#11 - I ask ( not required ) , that you post in this Mikrotik forum what country/city your are located in and your btest throughput results.
#12 - You understand these terms and conditions and you understand the purpose of this btest server is to assist all Mikrotik admins in determining the status/throughput capabilities of the networks they manage.
**** This btest server has the capabilities to perform brief btest(s) up to 4-Gig throughput