ISPManager 6 - блокировка bad bots AI через nginx

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ISPManager 6 - блокировка bad bots AI через nginx

# vi /etc/nginx/vhosts-includes/badbots.conf
# Block AI bots
if ($http_user_agent ~* "(Amazonbot|Applebot-Extended|Bytespider|CCBot|ChatGPT-User|Claude-Web|ClaudeBot|Diffbot|FacebookBot|FriendlyCrawler|GPTBot|Google-Extended|GoogleOther|GoogleOther-Image|GoogleOther-Video|ICC-Crawler|ImagesiftBot|Meta-ExternalAgent|Meta-ExternalFetcher|OAI-SearchBot|PerplexityBot|PetalBot|Scrapy|Timpibot|VelenPublicWebCrawler|YouBot|anthropic-ai|cohere-ai|facebookexternalhit|img2dataset|omgili|omgilibot)"){
   return 403;
# systemctl restart nginx