Configure: error: ffmpeg shared libraries not found. Make sure ffmpeg is compiled as shared libraries using the --enable-shared option

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Версия от 13:03, 19 сентября 2019; Admin iph (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: « Ошибка при ./configure: checking for ffmpeg headers... ...found in /usr/local/include checking for ffmpeg configure: error: ffmpeg s…»)
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Ошибка при ./configure:

checking for ffmpeg headers... ...found in /usr/local/include
checking for ffmpeg
configure: error: ffmpeg shared libraries not found. Make sure ffmpeg is compiled as shared libraries using the --enable-shared option


root@host [~/ffmpeg-php]# ls /usr/local/cpffmpeg/
./  ../  bin/  build/  etc/  include/  lib/  man/  share/
root@host [~/ffmpeg-php]# ./configure --with-ffmpeg=/usr/local/cpffmpeg